Archive for the ‘my life in stitches’ Category
w.i.t.w., more
Thursday, June 19th, 2008there are times in my life when words fail me. when the situation is too close, too raw for words to articulate, express. when such times arise, i silently stitch my way through to the words. this stitch-through piece – an addition to my dinner party – is >nearing completion, and i am still not ready to write about it because i am still unable to get my heart and head around it satisfactorily. so for now, we will just have show without the tell . . .

sticks ‘n stones
Tuesday, June 10th, 2008my would-be cretan stitch
Sunday, June 1st, 2008spatial concepts is not my strongest intelligence. i’ve known this for a long time, and while it is not on the long list of reasons i married mr. thrillenity, i must admit that it was like finding yet another diamond about him when he first translated a diagram of an embroidery stitch to me in terms i could grasp and run with. now i’m getting to that point in life when it seems prudent to learn to follow diagrams on my own, but alas: i’m thinking (with one of my stronger intelligences) that it’s just not in the cards. not in my deck anyway.
for the past few days i’ve been working on stitching my way through a dilemma. am wanting to do random some sharp-edged, pointy stitches – something with a trident look about it – and the cretan stitch seems just the ticket. but, shoot, i simply canNOT replicate the diagram, the sketched instructions. i mean, really. do any of these thread markings even vaguely RESEMBLE any cretan stitch you’ve ever seen before?

i suppose today i’ll just have to ask my ever-willing-and-patient translator for assistance.
or just do what i’ve done so many times before: make up my own stitches.