Archive for the ‘Fodder’ Category
dressed-up linings
Wednesday, August 20th, 2008float
Tuesday, August 19th, 2008leaves of sass: begin
Sunday, August 17th, 2008what if . . . is one of my favorite motivational tools. when i’m having a fog-covered, moving-at-the-speed-of-cold-molasses day, i play “what if” with myself and first thing you know, i’m perking again. it’s a little bait-and-switch trick i learned/taught myself as a child.
and it still works like a charm. (used it quite effectively just yesterday and again today, as you’ll see . . .)
jude plays a mean game of what if. acey does, too. so does paula, and judith, and cathie.
so today i got to thinking . . .
what if i join in and play with jude, too?
what if i do something i seldom-if-ever do and detour from my current project, setting it aside before it”s finished?
what if i take a placemat that just happens to be shaped like a leaf and use it for something else?

what if i remove the vein that’s shaped with wire?

what if i ponder and sketch and sketch and ponder and eventually come up with an aha that tickles me?
what if i have more show-and-tell tomorrow?