heart-felt surprises

monday past: while continuing work on operation clear-out, happened upon the only surviving piece of clothing i wore as a baby: a teensy little corduroy jacket. washed it, dried it, hung it up as delightful reminder that i was ever once that small and reliant.


tuesday past: obeying wake up thought to check decorative stitching on baby jacket, tingled with recognition that this very decorative stitching on yoke was what appears in internal image of stitching at ankles of autoquiltography one. looked at stitching through magnifying glass and noted a knot on the outside. then noted heart-shaped flowers and thrilled because my birthday = valentine’s day. then noted that there was no tag in jacket and smiled that this baby jacket was handmade by someone. just. for. me.

thursday: asked mother about it and discovered that she made the jacket and embellished it with heart-shaped flowers for her valentine girl. sketched out decorative stitching from jacket yoke, marveling at teensy little itty bitty stitches. began replicating on autoquiltography one. eventually resigned self to fact that i just cannot make stitches that small, so there will not be an exact replication. but what did i expect? glasses have adorned my face since first grade.



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4 Responses to heart-felt surprises

  1. Acey says:

    Amazing what a magnifying glass can reveal. What will become of the jacket? Kept as-is or incorporated somehow?

  2. jude says:

    no tags. oh yeah. no tags.

  3. Laney says:

    too cool…..amazing what we carry with us in memory and so cool that you could ask your mom about the jacket, and wonderful to find out about it’s special creation. Moms, there is nothin else like em….God I hope I do that good a job.

  4. jeanne, herself says:

    yeah, acey, it sure is amazing what a closer look, what magnification reveals. as for the jacket, for now i keep it as is. for now.

    jude~no tags, yet marked, labeled nevertheless.

    laney, i’m addicted to your blog – and your posts tell me with absolute certainty that you do that kind of mothering to all those you care for: making them feel like they’re the most special person in your world.

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