i can’t keep up any more. i just can’t keep up. i want to live through each day with reflection, attentive to the magic that’s just beneath the surface of each moment and stitching helps me do that as it slows my brain down to a speed that allows for contemplation. i love picking up fabrics that are nearby, fabrics that appeal to me, fabrics that i can reach then combining them in ways that emerge and evolve in ways that surprise and amaze me. i start with a kernel of an idea; i wind up with wonderment at the end result.
i have unpacked the last box of the move, but there’s still much to do, miles to go before i’m settled . . . which means i can’t stitch everyday and having a blog that goes untended with tales of cloth and thread makes me feel miserable and kinda’ guilty, in a crazy, wonky way.
i’m saying good bye to autoquiltography, and in the spirit of wanderlust that seems to be the mark of 2009, i’m moving to the new blog i’ve created – The Barefoot Heart – a place where i’ll traipse and tell.
i hope you’ll bop on over and visit. there will be occasional escapade with cloth – i promise – because, really, while i can’t stitch every day, i just can’t live without it.