not a wrap . . . yet

having a bit of a blueblah day here. left my sewing machine, fabrics, threads, and other creative fiber paraphernalia at j’underneath. was only going to be here for 2 busy, filled nights, so no need to haul it home.

then the plans changed, and we stayed.

had a rather lazy day today. phoebe (our corgi child) woke up with a bloody bald spot on the right side of her face, so we put her on benedryl and have been applying warm compresses, neosporin, and powder every hour or so.

spent a good portion of yesterday blog browsing, finding myself in the personal development arena. found all these programs that promise to teach you how to create the life of your dreams. that appealed to my accomplishment-oriented self, but i successfully reminded myself that what i want now is to putter creatively without being driven to check things off my daily list. i want to scratch my creative itch.

then today i browsed fiber blogs, and fought the stinking little voice that asked what on earth i thought i had to offer that is unique and artistic and thought-provoking, but i successfully – okay, truth be known: i’m still working on it – reminded myself that this is not and will never be a competition. and anything i create will be unique to me, and that. is. enough.

since i often think better quality thoughts when my hands are in motion and because my current barely-started creative projects are in north carolina, i pulled out my thread project jar. it’s just a little something i do when i need to slow myself down: covering a canning jar with thread. i have visions of coating it with that stiffy stuff when the spool is empty, then breaking the jar, leaving me with a, well, if all goes according to plan, a thread-covered vessel.

that stinging, sniping, sabotaging voice is telling me i should say for the record that i know it’s of no practical use, this project of mine, and that i know that it’s a silly thing to be doing in the first place, but you know what – i think i’ll just show you a picture then get back to wrapping.


5 Responses to not a wrap . . . yet

  1. There is no need to give excuses for a need to keep your hands moving. I do all sorts of things that have no purpose in the end! Small hand-quilted squares abound in my studio, but I have yet to do anything with them! LOL 🙂 The blues shall pass.

  2. Thanks, Fran. Am planning on the blues to be gone tomorrow. Covering an empty jar with thread helps. So does chocolate cake;) Love your latest barn, btw.

  3. Sharon Ahmed says:

    Jeanne, We all get that feeling of “Aren’t these other people doing cool work” never let it stop you. It is the fear that is talking, I sometimes do yoga where it is called a practice, never a competition, view artthe same way and tame the fear!

  4. Thanks, Sharon. Appreciate your wise words.

    Looking forward to meeting you live and in person soon – like maybe at that inkodye workshop where I’ll undoubtedly be the beginneringest of the beginners. Oh well. (Note to self: take those blinders.)

    Love your vessel, by the way – your fiberella vessel.

  5. Just remember we all have moments of self doubt, when it’s really bad for me I call a love one they always make it better. If it is a secure feeling of doubt and dread, well than it’s time for a moom call, moms are the best they can always build you up. Remember if it is unique and loving to oyu that is all that matters, your not the only one with good tastes, there are others. At least that is my new motto!

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